Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Just My Luck (2006)

Cast :
Lindsay Lohan as Ashley Albright
Chris Pine as Jake Hardi
Samaire Armstrong as Maggie
Bree Turner as Dana
Director :
Donald Petrie
Selepas switch identiti dlm filem Parent Trap dan switch identiti dgn mak dia dlm Freaky Friday, Lindsay Lohan kembali lagi dan kali ni dia switch ‘luck’ pulak. Cara switch luck dlm filem ni ialah dgn bercium dgn someone. Nampak gayanya Lindsay memang sinonim dgn filem2 sebegini or romantic comedy in general. Aku boleh layan romantic comedy & have to admit aku minat gak dgn filem2 romantic comedy lakonan Drew Barrymore in the early years and also aku enjoy watching Mean Girls lakonan Lindsay Lohan. Tapi kadang2 idea yg berulang2 boring gak cthnya filem sebegini. Maybe the reason aku tgk filem ni pun adalah kerana Lindsay sendiri.

Ashley seorg yg sentiasa bernasib baik…bkn baik aje malah terlampau2 baik, cthnya kalau tahan teksi, sepulah teksi dtg berhenti atau kalau hari hujan lebat dan Ashley nak keluar rumah, sure hujan akan berhenti. While Jake, seorg yg opposite Ashley, nasib sentiasa menyebelahi dia. Kalau jalan2 kat kaki lima, sure kena splash air by a car dan pekerjaannya sbg manager sebuah band pun tension sbb tak pernah dpt record deal. Ashley membuktikan kebolehannya dlm pekerjaannya dan ditawarkan utk menganjurkan masquerade party utk manager sykt rakaman yg terkemuka. Since Jake nak carik record deal utk bandnya McFly, dia pun joinlah masquerade party tu dan bertemu dgn Ashley. Walau tak kenal satu sama lain, masing2 pakai topeng pulak tu, mereka menari dan ends up with a kiss. This disaster kiss, menukar luck mereka; Ashley jadi the unlucky one dan Jake pulak is the lucky one. Dari sini, Jake jadi success dgn band bawah pimpinannya dpt record deal dan popular, while Ashley dibuang kerja atas kesilapan dan ke’clumsy’annnya. Ashley akhirnya discover punca kenapa dia begitu bernasib malang dan berusaha mencari org yg diciumnya di masquerade party tu.

Watching Just my Luck really reminds me of Freaky Friday campur2 elemen2 MTV sikit coz this film involves band dan konsert. Tapi moral filem ni bolehlah disimpulkan yg lebih baik kita berusaha utk mencapai impian kita drp just duduk diam tunggu tuah datang bergolek kat kita. Lindsay dlm filem ni, takde perbezaan dgn watak2nya sebelum ni cthnya Freaky Friday atau Mean Girls. Lindsay ‘cun’ bila luck is on her side but quite ‘messy’ bila bernasib malang. Kawan2 Ashley juga sgt menghiburkan and looks yummy! (tp nama2 diaorg aku dah lupa pulak!). Lakonan Chris Pine pun bolehlah dikatakan not bad. I mean dia berlakon comedy pretty well juga. Tapi satu masalahnya ialah even when he’s on the ‘malang’ side, he still looks like ‘pilihan perempuan’ jugak. At least buatlah si Jake ni really looks awful or ‘nerdy’ sebelum dia found his luck. Director Donald Petrie sebelum ni comes up with comedy2 yg ringan2 belaka mcm Grumpy Old Men, The Associate, Mystic Pizza dan How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days – semuanya subject yg ringan tapi masih menghiburkan. Satu lagi masalah filem ni ialah posternya yg tak menarik dan terlalu kebudak2an. Filem ni pun mula2nya aku tak ingin nak tgk sebab mcm takde apa special pada posternya.

Babak menarik ialah waktu Ashley suspect dia bercium dgn penari waktu masquerade party dulu, cari siapa2 yg dia suspect kerja penari dan habis semua diciumnya. Lagik satu waktu ending di airport when Ashley dan Jake bercium utk tukar nasib, dan ends up bercium betul2, flight board jadi kucar kacir sebab mereka berulang2 cium dan bertukar2 nasib. An ordinary romantic comedy recommended utk pasangan remaja yg sedang bercinta aje!

** 1/2 / *****


Nazim Masnawi said...

Once upon a time, Hollywood films used the slogan "You laugh and you'll cry*" to get people into theaters. That's literally true of Just My Luck. The film is motherfucking great. Too bad people bashed it and tagged it as "The worst movie of the year" solely because it's a Lindsay Lohan flick (who was excellent in the film by the way).

Man, I would definitely catch the DVD again. And again and again.

*I don't usually cry watching movies, but this one scene near the end really touched my heart - (spoiler) when they both refused to keep the luck, trading it back and forth until no one knew who had the luck and who didn't. Lindsay Lohan's character really grew to the point that she was willing to sacrifice that for someone else which in the end made her deserving of the great guy that Jake is. Man, Cameron Crowe can kiss my ass!

Edd Vedder said...

cilakak, Nazim..

Nazim Masnawi said...

Apa yang cilakak, Edd? Salah ke aku mempunyai emosi dan kau tidak...?

Lord Vorphalack said...

NM : tau rupanya kau beremosi...

maddox said...

i hate pretty boys! coz I'm not one. Hahahah...