Monday, October 16, 2006

Iron-Man Update

Dah confirm yg Robert Downey Jr (Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, The Singing Detective, Gothika etc) akan memegang watak sebagai Tony Stark a.k.a Iron Man. Utk pengetahuan korang, Iron-Man is another comic adaptation of Marvel, yg akan menemui penonton pada May 2008 nanti. Filem ni akan dibuat oleh Marvel sendiri dan didistribute oleh Paramount Pictures. Sebelum ni ura-ura mengatakan yg Tom Cruise akan memegang watak superhero ni, tapi mungkin directornya tak berkenan kot. However, pada pendapat aku, the casting of Iron Man by Robert Downey ni pun ada pro and cons nya. Kalau dari segi character, mungkin Robert takde masalah membawakan watak Tony Stark, ability calon Oscar ni tak payahlah dipertikaikan. Watak Tony Stark yg kita tgk dlm komik adalah seorg millionaire, kaki pompuan dan kaki mabuk. Kira mamat macho dan playboy la.

Dari segi fizikal, sekali lagi aku ragu, samalah waktu ura2 diaorg nak cast Tom Cruise sbg hero dulu. Kalau ikut komik, Tony Stark ni quite tinggi lampai orgnya. Tapi Robert dgn ketinggiannya 5 kaki 9 inch ni rasanya tak sesuai sgt. Tambah pulak caharacter Tony Stark adalah bermisai dan berjambang. Rasanya aku jarang tgk Robert bermisai dlm mana2 filem sebelum ni. However aku manage to get his picture siap dgn misai dan berjambang dan korang bolehlah bandingkan dgn watak dlm komik Iron Man.


Nazim Masnawi said...

For me, the choice of Downey, Jr. as Stark is a case of perfect casting. The main reason is because he is one of our best actors today. Period. Not of his age, his gender, his nationality, of all the people with suffixes – just one of the best actors working in the motion picture industry.

Pun macam tu, sesetengah orang are going to get excited about the serendipity (Downey, Jr. ada masalah dadah dan Stark alcoholic) – to me that’s the only down side. I dunno, it feels so on the nose that I may lose the character walaupun masalah arak Stark yang tertulis terlebih dahulu.

Edd Vedder said...

I agree with Nazim, perfect casting.

Cuma sekarang ni masalah Pepper Pots. Hmmm.. kenapa aku asyik terbayang Katharine McPhee dlm watak tu huh...?


Lord Vorphalack said...

NM : No doubt Robert Downey is one of the best actor in the industry nowadays instead of those perasan hensem actors, selling their macho looks & muscle. About his personal character (drugs), I think that's maybe the supporting reason they hire this guy beside his great performance.

Edd : Kate Mc Phee tu baru nak berjinak2 dgn dunia nyanyian Edd...sabar ye...!